My (Not So) Mid-Year Book Freakout

Okay… admittedly we’re well over halfway through 2016 (crazy, right??), but I’ve seen this tag circulating around, and it looked like a fun way to show off some of my new favorites and look back on the books I’ve read so far this year! So far, I’ve read a total of 53 books, some of which were instant favorites, some of which were big disappointments. So sit back, relax, and let’s get on to the tag, shall we?

Best book so far this year-.jpg

It’s always impossible to choose a favorite, but out of all of the books I’ve had the pleasure of reading in 2016, I would have to say that my favorite “me” book was The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson. This book stole my heart, and I conquered the 500-page beast in 2 days. Everything was perfect–the atmosphere, the characters, the relationships–just everything. If youhaven’t had the pleasure of reading this book yet, I highly, highly recommend you pick it up. Continue reading


This month, I’ve teamed up with some kick-butt gals to create a Bookstagram photography challenge for the month of August.We had a ton of fun and worked really hard to come up with creative and inspiring photography prompts, and Fiderly, Jill, Nani, and I really hope you’ll join us in this month’s challenge! Below you’ll find the challenge graphic and explanations for each day, along with examples and inspiration for all of your photo-taking needs. 😉


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★ Pokemon Go Book Tag ★

This incredibly original and creative booktag was created by the one and only Aentee, one of the coolest people ever.

To be honest: Of course I play Pokemon Go (who doesn’t?). Buuuut… I kind of know absolutely nothing about Pokemon. Like, at all. Pokemon wasn’t something I grew up with, so not only am I unfamiliar with the Pokemon, but I have no idea how to actually play the game. Don’t hate me… I’m learning! And when I was tagged to do this crazily cool booktag, you bet your buttons I had to give it a go. Maybe I’ll learn a little bit in the process, eh?

I’m just going to continue by assuming that everyone knows what Pokemon Go is by now (really, if you don’t, have you been living under a rock?).  Oh, and I am totally and unapologetically using Aentee’s graphics because why mess with something that’s already perfect? (Hey, don’t look at me like that… she gave me permission.)

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